Party Crasher

How Jesus Transcends Politics


Verve City Church won't tell you who to vote for. We won't tell you which policies to support or which politicians to be outraged at. But we need to have an entirely necessary and honest conversation about politics. For some, politics has become their religion. Others have lost relationships with friends and family members over a difference in political opinion. How can followers of Jesus thoughtfully maintain their Christian witness in a fractured political environment?

This series is from April 28 to June 2, 2024. View messages on YouTube or listen as podcasts below. 

Party Crasher Series

Here's what we talked about each week in this series: 

Why No Nation Can Be ChristianYouTube  |  Apple Podcast  |  Spotify

The Spirit of Our Politics with Michael WearYouTube  |  Apple Podcast  |  Spotify

When Politics Pulls Us Apart with Sarah Bauer AndersonYouTube | Apple Podcast | Spotify

How American Christianity Gave Away Its InfluenceYouTube | Apple Podcast | Spotify

Online Only: Is America a Christian Nation? YouTube

How Christians Can Be Democrats and RepublicansYouTube | Apple Podcast | Spotify

Politics in the Way of JesusYouTube | Apple Podcast | Spotify



Do you have a question related to something you've heard or wondered about during this series? Let us know.


Further Reading

Want more about Jesus and politics? View our recommended resources to go along with the series.


Never Miss a Message

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